July 23, 2008

In Today's Forecast....

I am so sick of this bloody weather. I think there should be a law passed that whenever the weather is broadcast, that the anchormen or network should be held accountable when the weather doesn’t occur the way they say.

I had a meeting yesterday and I have been working my butt off for the past couple of days to prepare for it. I was informed that a certain individual was going to be in attendance and I wanted to make a real good impression. I want to get my foot in the door with, so I thought of this being a way to make a good impression.

The night before I checked the weather forecast and it indicated that there was going to be “variable cloudiness” and 26C. Not bad that is something I can deal with. So I picked out my outfit, black button down dress, gold belt and open toed heels! (I rarely wear heels so you know this was serious). Started the straightening process with my hair so my naps would stay in tacked (black women you know what’s up).

In the morning there was a little bit of cloud but the sun was peaking out. Checked the weather again and it said there going to be “cloudy periods”. Nothing has really changed. Got dressed put the finishing touches on my hair, got all my stuff and was out.

I head into the city early so I could run a couple of errands before the meeting. I met up with “Fish Fry” (hahah… sorry but that’s all I could think of and that story was funny.. write about it later). Fish Fry and I went over each other’s material and felt real confident about the meeting.

We quickly grabbed a bite to eat.. nothing like meeting up on an empty stomach. We went to this wrap joint a couple of blocks away from the meeting spot, only to come out and see black clouds. WT.. HECK!? These clouds looked ridiculous. We walked onto the main street to head to the meeting. Not even a minute later… there was a down pour. The rain was coming down real hard.
We were able to find shelter but not quick enough… my hair ruined! My dress… soaked… my feet wet! Oh hell. Fish Fry looked at me and I knew it wasn’t good.

We jumped into a cab and got to building where the meeting was held. It was a good 45 minutes before it started, so I went into the ladies room to fix myself up. I kick off my shoes, looked in the mirror and was horrified. I looked like ass! My dressed was soaked, thank goodness it was black. I could feel the wetness all the way thru my underclothes. My hair.. I don’t even know what to say. It was hideous. My straight hair was now a pile of naps. Tiny curls peaking out and frizziness all over. I looked like a wet poodle that’s body was shaved down and there was nothing else but puffy hair up top.

I unbuttoned the top portion of my dress and placed it under the hand dryer. Patted toilet paper on my hair and put my head under the dryer when I thought how silly I was being. Well the hand dryer just made dry patches on my dress and made my hair even more frizzy. I give up. Fish Fry knocked on the door and told me to hurry my ass up.

I am at a lost… I put my shoes back on only to realize that they were soaking wet inside the sole. Went into my bag to get out a brush, only to spot my work dripping wet. Rainwater everywhere!

I wanted to cry… I dragged my feet, stepped out of the ladies room and looked at Fish Fry. He looked at me and said… “Not bad, are you still wet?” He looked good, if it wasn’t for the smell of rain on him I wouldn't have known he had gotten wet.

Just as soon as I was about to start complaining. “BM” walks by. Oh my… We told him how we got caught out in the rain. He smiled brushed it off, and invited us into his office. I was feeling at ease about the whole incident until I realize that we were not the only ones in the room. GREAT!

BM and a couple of his associates, so of them I recognized. Everyone got up and introduced themselves. I was so uncomfortable. Meeting people for the first time and I am soaking wet with frizzy hair and my shoes were making that wet squishy noise. Nice added touch.

I smiled through it, and held up decent conversation. Let’s just say through it all that they were a wonderful group of people and I think it went over real well. It rained all day until the next morning. I am still trying to find a way to sue the weather networks.


Angelo said...

this rain does suck, but I'm sure it didn't ruin your meeting.... it may even have helped.... some people like wet girls....

Jinx said...

Hahahaha... that is so true. I kept on adjusting myself and I really don't think that was wise. It's just got more clinger and disheveled.

Pervs.. got to love 'em.