June 28, 2008

Can't We All Just Get Along?? ... NOPE!

Women… being one I am surprised there are several things other women do that I just don’t understand. We are not all the same and individually we stand on our own… but some things completely baffle me.

The other day… Love of my life (LOML) got a call from his ex. No big deal right? But this is the same ex that I got jilted for, so I am not really impressed. Now girl-M has her own thing going on right now… new life, new baby, new fiancée. So why feel the urge to want to contact your ex?

Relationship is done and over with so isn’t it time to move on?

Amicable the split may have been, but over stepping boundaries she better not. Now I am in no position at this current moment in time to let LOML to exercise any rights I may have. But that nonsense has just got to stop. Nip that mess in the bud is my intention, sitting out on the sidelines is what I will have to do for now.

I may be a bit hypocritical; I still talk to my exes on occasions. But I don’t call them or contact them just for the sake of saying “hey” or “I am having a bad day”. That’s what my friends and man are for.

Maybe that is just me. I am the type that makes sure everything is on point when I see an ex, and that’s only if I feel like entertaining the notion. I would never want my exes to know that my life is not up a couple of notches since the breakup. No, how are you’s, how is it going, or I am just calling to say what’s up. Not me.

In the beginning of my relationship with MMI (my ex) his ex use to call him when she was on her dates. What kind fuckery is that? She would also call him for consolation and advice. HUH? He would justify it as him being a great person to talk to. (Since the breakup I cannot phantom how that can be true) I say “New relationship… NEW PERSON TO CALL!” I would ask him how do you think the other guy feels… what if the tables were turned? After that he told her that she shouldn’t call him again because he was in a new relationship. It didn’t mean much to me… because the whole scenario was real silly to begin with. Chicks I say. Get a grip.

Now if girl-M keeps on this path of getting real comfortable with calling for whatever may pop up in that head of hers… all I have to say that is. Keep on, I am watching.

1 comment:

Angelo said...

EX's should be EXcommunicated, eradicated and just utterly EXcluded from your present.....IMHO